Finding Old Books and Messages

As book lover, I am often rummaging around in charity shops for old interesting books, perhaps with the hope that one day I might find a signed first edition of Harry Potter, or something equally as profitable – no luck yet! However, I do sometimes find some interesting volumes, my favourites of which contain written messages from loved ones. Yesterday was one of those good days when I stumbled across a whole shelf of old books in the Link to Hope charity shop in Worthing (a good haunt!). I managed restrain from buying the entire shelf, but did come away with a few gems – most of which will need a little love and attention in the studio to stabilise their future existence.

New old books!
New old books!

So here they are, notes and all…

I’ve always loved reading messages in books, it’s like a little piece of someones life that is passed on, sometimes to a complete stranger like me, but that makes them all the more fascinating and nice to read. So my advice – always write in your books, you never know where they will end up!